The best pet care for your dogs and cats - with Hemp seed oil!
Earlier this year an exciting vertical made its way to our list of hemp products, a special one indeed since it was for our four-legged friends. Hemp Seed oil for dogs and cats. 100% raw, cold pressed hemp seed oil. After much research on the safety and efficacy of hemp we launched our product into the market.
Hemp oil for dogs and cats is a potential treatment for most canine health issues. We identified people from within our community with dogs and cats and sent them our hemp seed oil to try. To get up close and personal to understand that each one’s pet was going through various health problems. A couple of months later, we went back to understand and hear from them their personal experience and observations.
We were tackling various issues that were age related, anxiety, excess fur dropping which are some of the most common one’s seen in dogs and cats. A couple of months later we reached out to these pet parents who had a lot to share with us.
Look who we have here, meet Goku! He has a strict night routine since Hemp seed oil has made its way into his life. Sahana says “he doesn’t go to bed, not without his hemp oil massage.”

And then there was Newton - the cat influencer. Stylish and sophisticated! Newton took well into our hemp experience. He was recovering from surgery when we had Laxmi tell us that “The consistency of your hempseed oil is high which makes it great for a massage. Your oil is so strong and so relaxing that I massaged Newton and in no time I saw him doze off.”

Say hello to Sophie! When we asked Jade on how Sophie took to Hemp she said “I sprayed it on her lunch and she didn't seem to notice any difference in taste or hesitate. ’’ Well, safe to say we passed our smell and taste test by Sophie.

Another fur buddy we met was Lily. “She loves licking hemp oil. But apart from that her fur has been noticeably thick this season. Her shedding is distinctly better” says Sharika.

While each one has shared a different experience with us, some significant while others are generic. Here are few of it’s benefits that may not be visible externally but with Hemp seed oil you can be rest assured of internal well being as well.
- Reduces inflammation (external & internal)
- Promotes immunity & energy levels
- Reduces anxiety
- Helps with skin allergies & conditions
- Makes coats healthy & shiny
- Preserves gut, heart & brain health
- Promotes joint health & mobility
- Promotes oral health
If you’re new to Hemp oil and you’d like to use it on your pets for the first time, we suggest you begin with small dosages and see how they take to the product. Although quantity is directly proportionate to the size of your pets. We recommend our product to be used on dogs and cats at the moment, but it’s best you consult with your vet before use to be on the safer side.
Available in 2 sizes of 50ml and 100ml, it is perfect to EAT| DRINK|MASSAGE your pets! Click here to shop for CATS and DOGS. Incase you'd like to know more about its benefits, nutritional content, properties, safety, risks etc you can read up HERE.